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Grayson Together

George Floyd’s death and subsequent events have shed light on what is and has been an ongoing problem of racial inequality and violence for Black people in America and all those who experience racial inequity. We stand against the actions of those involved in his death and similar actions in the history of our nation. Simply put, these actions do not align with our values and we place high importance on providing equal opportunity to learn in a safe environment.   

Today, as we work to address racial injustice, we acknowledge the power of education in helping students overcome the great economic challenges confronting our communities. While our intentional efforts have reduced the achievement gaps among our diverse student body over the last several years, we are reminded that our work is not done. We must press on in order to eliminate barriers for students and to provide equal opportunities for success. Education is the path to prosperity and the road to an economic recovery will travel through Grayson College. If this is true, we must make sure that the opportunity for recovery and prosperity is available to all. 

Grayson College is committed to student success. Our values call for us to seek and promote understanding, civility and compassion. It is clear that equal opportunities for success cannot come while marginalized populations continue to experience racial disparity and brutality. We want to continue to learn, grow and improve. Please visit to tell us your stories, challenges, hopes and dreams. Stories can be submitted anonymously. It is vital that we hear from you, so we can work together for an equitable future.

We Are Grayson. We Are Together.